Would you like to financially support our work in the areas of education, health and income? Here's the impact you can have!

Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For...

Easy Ways to Give

You can make an impact on your community by just going about your normal daily activities. By taking a few moments to sign up for these community reward programs, Butler County will reap the benefits all year long!

Donate Right Now

It's quick, easy, and secure to donate online right now.

Send an Investment Card

You can also download, print, and send an investment card to us. Drop off or mail your card to:

Butler County United Way
323 North Third Street
Hamilton, OH 45011

Run a Campaign

If your workplace doesn't currently offer employees the chance to donate via payroll deduction, find out how you can kickstart a campaign. Contact Amanda Burns, at

Consider Legacy Giving

Endowing your annual gift provides a way for you and your family to leave a legacy that addresses the needs of our community. Butler County United Way has established an endowment funds targeted at meeting long-term needs with the Fairfield Community Foundation, Hamilton Community Foundation, and West Chester Liberty Township Community Foundation.

Here are some ways you can leave a legacy:

  • Bequests | You don't need a large estate to make a meaningful gift through your will. Bequests are actually the most frequently utilized method of legacy giving in America.
  • Retirement Plans | You can designate Butler County United Way as the beneficiary of an IRA, 401K, or annuity.
  • Life Insurance | You can make a gift that might be larger than donating cash or an asset outright. Donate a paid-up policy that you already own or purchase a policy to donate.
  • Appreciated Securities | Give a gift while taking advantage of the tax benefits by avoiding taxable gain.
  • Life Income Arrangements | These allow you to make gifts over your lifetime. This option enables you to regain and even increase your income from those assets through the remainder of your life.

Click here to get a copy of our Legacy Society Brochure.