Butler County United Way’s Alexis De Tocqueville Society recognizes our community’s largest philanthropic leaders. The support of these leadership givers is a key component in powering our work to create innovative solutions that get to the core of the most pressing issues in our community.
Ronald Beerman
Brian Brickner
Bradley Horn
Andrew and Kathy Brossart
David Burgio
Kevin Cooney
Judy Gill
Kathleen Klein
Jeffrey Liesch
David Meyer
Scott Phillips
Jeffrey Risk
Ned Torres
Michael Wagner
Jennifer Baker |
Kimberly McGregor |
Peter and Lori Abner |
Lee and Karen Geiger |
Sheila, a 44-year-old single mother of four, is no stranger to navigating adversity. Ten years ago, after going into labor early with her twin boys, she had to learn to navigate things a little differently than before. After giving birth to her sons, Sheila was rushed into brain surgery due to fluid on her brain pushing on her optic nerve.
About 7 years ago, Tonya made the brave decision to leave a domestic violence situation for the sake of her and her daughter. Leaving the situation was a courageous choice, but Tonya went a step further and left her home and community for her and her daughter’s safety.
Sherry was at the end of her rope after years of trying to combat the problem behavior of her school aged son. Her therapist recommended trying a parenting course offered through Butler County United Way’s Parent Project....
E.J. first entered the foster care system 5 years ago at 10 years old, and the uncertainty of his circumstances weighed heavily on him. Not having a stable support system and family in his life during such a formative time left him feeling vulnerable and scared.