Butler County United Way’s Alexis De Tocqueville Society recognizes our community’s largest philanthropic leaders. The support of these leadership givers is a key component in powering our work to create innovative solutions that get to the core of the most pressing issues in our community.

Ronald Beerman
Brian Brickner

 PLATINUM CIRCLE $7,500-$9,999 

Bradley Horn

 GOLD CIRCLE $5,000-$7,499 

Andrew and Kathy Brossart
David  Burgio
Kevin Cooney
Judy Gill
Kathleen Klein
Jeffrey Liesch
David Meyer
Scott Phillips
Jeffrey Risk
Ned Torres
Michael Wagner


 SILVER CIRCLE $2,500-$4,999 

Jennifer Baker
Brendan and Missy Burns
James Chronister
 Michael Curran
Mary Pat Essman
Patrick Flynn
Shawn Hamilton
Kevin Kelley
Irvin Kieback
Eileen King
Debra Kossuth
Gregory Long
Dan Loudermilk
Douglas Manwaring

Kimberly McGregor
James Michael
Jared O’Brien
Lee and Jackie Parrish
Connie Retherford
Mark Richards
Kimberly Kammerdiener
Erin Simons
Eric Welte
Timothy and Kathleen Wourms


 BRONZE CIRCLE $1,000-$2,499 

Peter and Lori Abner
Eric Addington
John Anspach
Michael Armentrout
Benedict Aten
Peter Ayers
Ruth Bailey
James and Maggie Baker
Brian Baker
Anne Balfour
Robert Bell
Marc and Lisa Biales
Catherine Bidleman
Katelynn Bland
Kristi Bodin
Yanthi Boutwell
Charles and Majorie Bowers
Georgine Bowman
Mike Bramer
Susan Bremer
Roger Brown
James Brueshaber
Michelle Burgio
Kaylene Burke
Ryan Burkhard
Roger Chamberlain
Brian Chamberlain
Gregory Chase
Neil and Honi Cohen
John Coleman
Pamela Cooper
Pamela Cottle
Shannon Craycraft
John and Holly Danks
Fred Desai
Dane  Donham
Gary  Eiser
Bob Fehn
Kevin Feltz
Chris Finger
James Fitton
Michael Flood
Robert Fogler
Holly Foster

Lee and Karen Geiger
Kevin Getz
Curt Gillingham
Jane Rose Green
Kathryn Gruver
Deborah Hamilton
Barbara Hamilton
Douglas Hancher and Erin Davlin
William and Sandra Hazleton
Richard Hill
Michael Hoffman
Jillane Holland
Lillian Hopkins
Andrew Hoyland
Joseph Huelseman
Quentin Irby
Linda Janisieski
Mary Johnson
Valerie Kalti
William and Barbara Keck
John Keller
Bill King
John and Kim Kirsch
Catherine Klapper
Kathleen Knight-Abowitz
Christopher Koch
Roxanna Koelblin
Brian Krause
Michelle Kyle
Shaun Lammert
Mark Lippert
Chris Lutz
Jeff and Debbie MacDonald
Karen Schilling
Shawn McCabe
Michael McCord
Amber McDonough
Kevin McKinney
Kenneth Meyer
Kenneth Miller and Bethia Margos
Pamela  Mortensen
William and Loretta Mosier
Kimberly  Mueller
John Mulligan
Larry Mulligan Jr.
John Niehaus
Matthew Noe

John Nutter
Robert O’Brien
Eric Paulsen
Karen Pendleton
Trisha Perry
Rick Perry
Suzanne R. Prescott
William Putnick
Richard Roebuck
Ronald Rohlfing
Adam Sackenheim
Thomas and Carol Schaber
Marc Schambow
Andrew Schnell
Krista Schuler
Robin Seaver
James Sell
James Sims
Richard Smith
Denise  Smith
Kelly Snider
Richard and KathySollmann
Thomas Sprockett
Gerald St. Clair
Logan and Donna Stone
Benjamin Sutcliffe
Christopher Tangeman
Ryan Taulbee
Todd Taylor
Alan Thome
Derrick Thompson
Audrey Sue Treasure
Rachel Underwood
Gregory Valandingham
Karen Vogel
Jeffrey Wagner
Wendy Waters-Connell
Michael Wedig
Timothy Werdmann
Matthew Wittman
Amy Wolfram
Michael Daniel Wood
Joan Zellner
Fei Zeng
Terri Ziepfel