Holiday Adopt-A-Family


Building Block events are our way of joining together with our neighbors throughout Butler County to give back in a way that will build a solid foundation for the future. Each Building Block event is tailored to one of the building blocks for a good life: Health, Financial Stability/Basic Needs, or Education.

Now through Tuesday, December 10, 2024, we will be holding a Basic Needs Building Block Event partnering with Butler County Educational Service Center. We will provide you or your organization with a wishlist of items for a family in need this holiday season. We ask that all gifts remain unwrapped. To Adopt a Family, volunteer, or donate, please contact us at

Please consider participating and see how you might be one of the building blocks toward a brighter future for many of these children throughout our county.

All big things start out small. Let's be the cornerstone of big change!

Drop your donation off any time before December 10, 2024, Tuesday- Thursday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Butler County Educational Service Center
400 North Erie Blvd
Hamilton, OH 45011

Sign up to volunteer here!